Gun control equals Police State

When you finally figure our how you’ve been fooled it may be too late.

By resisting the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines controls you are in turn giving them permission to carry the same weapons? Permissions they did not have before Sandyhook.

Which of the 23 executive orders issued by  President Obama actually put any controls on assault rifles?


Which ones expanded money alloted for many more police officers? Several.

Do you know how many cities have given their local  police officers permission to carry assault weapons since Sandyhook?

Do me a favor and google that.

What you MUST begin to understand is that the head of the  NRA wants you to think the government is after you guns. You will in turn demand access. Therefore the local law enforcement can scream, we need them too! Then you must agree to let police have one also because, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is with a good guy with a gun, right? You said it yourself, right? Our officers need them to protect our children, right?

ummm, I smell large government contracts!

Barney Fife should not carry an assault weapon.That’s why S.W.A.T. teams were created. an assault rifle.

Nashville Tennessee and several other cities are now allowing their officers to carry assault weapons routinely. Wow. Makes me feel safe how about you?

I want to ban assault weapons for the very reason you want to keep them.

You’re afraid of a police state, right? Now, since you gun nuts won’t let them  put controls on these weapons every freaking cop in the ever-growing incarceration system gets to have one too!

 There seem to be ten times as many police cars around compared to when I was a teenager. They have not improved our lives, crime wasn’t that bad around here, drunks were thrown in the tank overnight and cops made teenagers pour pot out on the ground and called their parents, now a DUI costs you $5-10K and pot, well that can get you years. But Hey!  The lifestyles of Corrections Corporation of America have really improved!

Do you really want Barney Fife carrying an assault rifle when he pulls over a car full of wayward but harmless teenagers? Maybe the teenagers are tired of not being able to breathe sideways without a cop harassing them for being teenagers? Then what?

It doesn’t bode well.

Stop alienating one another over a big boy toy that you like to play with on the weekends.We must stop letting them pit us against one another over the small stuff.

Get a new hobby, find another way to bond with your son, or make it your aim to become better with a shot-gun.

Pay attention to what they are really doing.

When you start to understand this you will also understand one other thing.

Should your so-called police state, or government tyranny, take over they cannot stop the masses. Stop being paranoid.

When we’ve had enough of the ridiculous penal codes, tax codes and monetary codes, when we are ready to rise up, we must all do it together. Gun advocates and occupy everybody.

You must learn to compromise so that we can all band together.

 They cannot stop us, with or without assault weapons.

We will always have rocks and pitchforks!