Romney understands Mormonism is a cult.

It deeply disturbs me that anyone, with little research, can determine that mormonism was, and is, a cult established by Joseph Smith, a known criminal and “seer”, and yet a well-educated man like Mitt Romney can’t seem to figure this out.

Joseph Smith, the founder, was a con artist. All cult leaders are excellent Con Artists.(Jim Jones ring a bell?)

Joseph was initiated into the Freemasons and two months later he supposedly had a vision and out came the mormon “endowment” ritual. The ritual closely resembles the initiation of the masons. (Con Artist)

New York, Ohio, Missouri, and  Illinois ran him/them out of their states. 

The republican’s election platform in 1856 was to rid us of  “the twin relics of barbarism – polygamy and slavery practiced by mormons.

Not to mention the “magic underwear”, the golden plates that God let him see for a while then came  back down and took them away again thus eliminating the possibility of anyone else seeing these plates, and polygamy now known as “the principal”.

This church goes to great extremes to hide information from the public. (For a good list of all the crazy claims Joseph Smith made and, how easily they were disproved, see link at the bottom of this post.)

The mormon church has always been known as a cult. Until last week Billy Graham had mormons classified as a cult on his website.

I have watched and studied Mitt Romney’s statements on both MSNBC and CNN.

The daily show with Jon Stewart routinely airs videos of his statements side by side.

While they are indeed amusing these videos should scare you.

I believe he is a Con Artist.

The man can tell you his position on a subject one day, and then, do a complete reversal the next day. He does this looking just as sincere, and honest, and heartfelt, on the second day as he did on the first day. (Con Artist)


Mormons believe in theocracy.  In Utah mormons practiced Theocratic rule of the state. Meaning the leader of the state can hear God speak to him and him only. No one else can hear him and he must govern by the word of God.

So worse? He truly believes all the mormon crap and will do, and say, anything to be president so God can speak to him and only him.

Either way, he’s one scary man.

Romney’s not just a member of the Mormon church—he’s one of the leaders in its hierarchy, and was a lay-bishop for 10 years.

*For excellent info on mormonism go here!