Rape God Intended: Fruit of a poisonous tree.

Just a brief statement here.

I understand that Indiana state senate hopeful Richard Murdock, and Missouri representative Todd Akin, both old white male republicans, truly do believe what they are saying about victims of rape.

One claims a woman’s body can fend off sperm when truly being raped. The other insists victims of rape must bear a child conceived of that rape.

I also get that, being white male, they are completely clueless about a woman and her  body.

Let me insert here that I feel sorry for their wives.

Now here is what they need to study up on in their bibles they so love.

 A true christian would never say God intended a pregnancy to come of a rape.

Let me explain to the confused christian and non-christians.

The deed is of satan so any consequence thereof would be of satan.

All christians are supposed to understand the that satan does cause evil things to happen to promote and establish his desired kingdom.

Therefore the pregnancy would be fruit of a poisonous tree.

If you’re eye offends you then pluck it out. said God.