Republicans scream Supreme Court!

Whenever the topic of gun control is broached republicans are always the first to scream Supreme Court!

The supreme court interpreted that ” a well-regulated militia” somehow means an individual living in suburbia.

When every other argument is exhausted republicans will always default to this stance. Supreme Court!

What they don’t understand is that they have already lost the fight to regulate weapons.

The supreme court has already issued a statement on controls therefore they have already lost the gun control argument in court.

Here is that statement.

Nov. 20, 2007

In the majority opinion authored by Justice Antonin Scalia

The Court stated that the right to keep and bear arms is subject to regulation, such as concealed weapons prohibitions, limits on the rights of felons and the mentally ill, laws forbidding the carrying of weapons in certain locations, laws imposing conditions on commercial sales, and prohibitions on the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. It stated that this was not an exhaustive list of the regulatory measures that would be presumptively permissible under the Second Amendment.

The first line says it all.

Such as gives them full leeway to regulate. They were not specific. They gave only examples. They did not say ONLY these regulations are allowed. They said “such as” and intentionally stated that this was not an exhaustive list.

They have already approved gun regulation.

My questions?

Do our representatives ever actually read the laws already on the books?

Why don’t our representatives understand that the supreme court will not only be forced to uphold regulations but they most likely would refuse to even hear a case against regulation because they have already approved regulations!

A first year law student could see this so why don’t our representatives?

Sorry gun nuts. You’ve already lost the argument.

Now we just have to get our legislators to grow a couple of ovaries.

Romney understands Mormonism is a cult.

It deeply disturbs me that anyone, with little research, can determine that mormonism was, and is, a cult established by Joseph Smith, a known criminal and “seer”, and yet a well-educated man like Mitt Romney can’t seem to figure this out.

Joseph Smith, the founder, was a con artist. All cult leaders are excellent Con Artists.(Jim Jones ring a bell?)

Joseph was initiated into the Freemasons and two months later he supposedly had a vision and out came the mormon “endowment” ritual. The ritual closely resembles the initiation of the masons. (Con Artist)

New York, Ohio, Missouri, and  Illinois ran him/them out of their states. 

The republican’s election platform in 1856 was to rid us of  “the twin relics of barbarism – polygamy and slavery practiced by mormons.

Not to mention the “magic underwear”, the golden plates that God let him see for a while then came  back down and took them away again thus eliminating the possibility of anyone else seeing these plates, and polygamy now known as “the principal”.

This church goes to great extremes to hide information from the public. (For a good list of all the crazy claims Joseph Smith made and, how easily they were disproved, see link at the bottom of this post.)

The mormon church has always been known as a cult. Until last week Billy Graham had mormons classified as a cult on his website.

I have watched and studied Mitt Romney’s statements on both MSNBC and CNN.

The daily show with Jon Stewart routinely airs videos of his statements side by side.

While they are indeed amusing these videos should scare you.

I believe he is a Con Artist.

The man can tell you his position on a subject one day, and then, do a complete reversal the next day. He does this looking just as sincere, and honest, and heartfelt, on the second day as he did on the first day. (Con Artist)


Mormons believe in theocracy.  In Utah mormons practiced Theocratic rule of the state. Meaning the leader of the state can hear God speak to him and him only. No one else can hear him and he must govern by the word of God.

So worse? He truly believes all the mormon crap and will do, and say, anything to be president so God can speak to him and only him.

Either way, he’s one scary man.

Romney’s not just a member of the Mormon church—he’s one of the leaders in its hierarchy, and was a lay-bishop for 10 years.

*For excellent info on mormonism go here!

Rape God Intended: Fruit of a poisonous tree.

Just a brief statement here.

I understand that Indiana state senate hopeful Richard Murdock, and Missouri representative Todd Akin, both old white male republicans, truly do believe what they are saying about victims of rape.

One claims a woman’s body can fend off sperm when truly being raped. The other insists victims of rape must bear a child conceived of that rape.

I also get that, being white male, they are completely clueless about a woman and her  body.

Let me insert here that I feel sorry for their wives.

Now here is what they need to study up on in their bibles they so love.

 A true christian would never say God intended a pregnancy to come of a rape.

Let me explain to the confused christian and non-christians.

The deed is of satan so any consequence thereof would be of satan.

All christians are supposed to understand the that satan does cause evil things to happen to promote and establish his desired kingdom.

Therefore the pregnancy would be fruit of a poisonous tree.

If you’re eye offends you then pluck it out. said God.

You daughter’s future abortion rights really are on the line!

Think hard about your daughters futures before you vote republican in this election.

The President of the United States appoints the supreme court judges.

There are nine Justices. The split is 5-4 in favor of abortion rights at the moment.

Justice Breyer is one of the strongest supporters of reproductive freedom on the court today. If Breyer retired and was replaced by a less vigorous supporter of the right to choose, the balance would shift dramatically. The U.S. Supreme Court decided the two most significant recent cases concerning the fundamental right to choose by a one-vote margin.

Two known advocates of Roe vs Wade on the supreme court ARE ABOUT TO RETIRE!

The next President will appoint a supreme court justice.

Again the religious zealots that control the republicans only need one to overturn Roe vs Wade.

Below are the facts on how the judges vote on right to choose issues and which party appointed each.

John Stevens Pro choice appointed by democrat Gerald ford

John Roberts anti-abortion choice: appointed by republican GW Bush

Antonin Scalia Anti-choice appointed by republican: Reagan

Anthony M. Kennedy mixed feelings ( but generally sides with anti choice) appointed by republican Reagan

Clarence Thomas anti choice: appointed by republican GH Bush

Ruth Bader Ginsburg pro-choice appointed by democrat Clinton

Stephen G. Breyer pro-choice appointed by democrat Clinton

Samuel Alito anti choice appointed by GW Bush 

Sonia Sotomayor : unknown: Obama

#debates Why I actually cried.

As I went to visit my friend Krystal this morning I was filled with dread.

She’s an “undecided” that tolerates our republican state well.

She also secretly loves it when someone is wrong.

Entering her bonus room I was met with her smirk.

Well, she says, what do you think of your Obama now?

I take in a breath and exhaled deeply.

I don’t want to start crying before I can get it out.

Last night the thought that now has me on the verge of tears had never crossed my mind.

I have to explain it to her. I have to win her over. We need every vote. I  exhale. Krystal’s smirking at me. Waiting patiently with her head cocked to the side.

Well Krystal, I say, last night I was tracking twitter during the debates.

Krystal rolls her eyes.

Yes. I twitter Krystal. (Just wait until she finds out I blog. She will call me a queer.)

Everyone I follow was like “WTF”? Bill Maher, Will McEvoy, the Huffington Post,  me, we were all tweeting that, in one way or the other.

“Stop taking notes, get him!”

“Why aren’t you mentioning the attack on women’s rights?”

“What about the 47% video?”

” Attack him, he’s lying thru his teeth!”

Really, Krystal says, he was stammering and stumbling even I was amazed.

I know right? I continue. My husband and I were just astounded. Obama didn’t call him on a single flip-flop, on his party’s obstructionism, his flip-flops on abortion rights, health care,  we just kept looking at each other. I , of course,  was watching my twitter page, checking out Big bird like everyone else, and I began to notice a trend. I looked at my husband and said he’s losing! What is going on? What is he doing?

Everyone was.

So, Krystal says, what was his problem?

Now the tears well up. The lump in throat comes back.

I swallow hard.

Well, I say, at first last night I was saying to my husband he’s just giving him enough rope to hang himself.Then it didn’t happen and we all knew he had somehow managed to lose the debate. Impossible! Then I thought. He’s great about using social media to his advantage. He’s a chess player. He’s going to let the media show his previous statements side by side for everyone to see.Jon Stewart of The Daily show and Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report are going to have a field day with this! That must be the plan.

Then this morning, while drinking coffee and listening to MSNBC, all the talk was about how he couldn’t present himself this way or that way. Couldn’t be the angry black man, couldn’t be the arrogant man, and so on.

So I say to my husband. “I think he just had everyone telling him to be cautious and he should have just been himself and let the man have it, he’s got to trust himself”.

What my husband said next stayed with me, has haunted me, all morning. As I say this to Krystal the tears begin.

Oh for God’s sake. Get over yourself. Krystal says. What’s he say?

He said “I think he just doesn’t want to be president again. I mean, think about it. I wouldn’t.”

Krystal, I think he may be right , I say as the tears return to my eyes. 

What are you talking about? Your so dramatic. God! Krystal sneers.

No, seriously, I go on to explain. He has gone from just a few gray  hairs  to a full head of gray in less than four years. They’ve attacked his birth, his church, everything. He has witnessed a resurrection of racism in this country that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Krystal moans. Yeah, well, is all she can say.

Oh come one, I say as I glared at her. We’ve all seen the emails and the posts on Facebook. The signs with him dressed up like a witch doctor, the monkey jokes, I swear to God Krystal I saw a sign that said “Jesus hates Obama” at the republican convention! 

I’m just letting myself cry now. Krystal remains silent.

Shaking my head, I continue,  Krystal, it’s is the saddest thing to me and I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to do it again either. In the shower this morning I was thinking about  all the hateful signs, the racist emails, and I just started praying for God to forgive them for they know not what they do, but then,  before I could say amen,  I got angry.  I looked up, and I actually said to God “but we both know that they do”. and  I started to cry.

And Krystal the saddest part is this. Obama really is the best thing for this country right now. We can’t go back. We have to do better. We all know this! We can’t be the kind of country that’s at war all the time, doesn’t care about the sick, or the middle class, says a person doesn’t have to be alive with blood in their veins, we can’t be a country where money rules everything! How can the so-called christians not fight this? Don’t they remember that the bible says it is the love of money that is the root of all evil?

 He’s the only one that will even try to stop it and we may just be screwed.

I am now in tears and Krystal is not good with emotion.   

I take a deep breath and say “Let’s talk about something else”.

Krystal begins complaining about her teenager. Whew, I’m glad mine are grown.

Introducing the real “Joe the plumber”. Joe Biden

Vice President Joe Biden wrote the bill I believe has changed the landscape of southern culture as much as any. The Violence against women legislation. I thank him for my sister’s life.

At age 29 he lost his first wife and only daughter.

While most legislators took apartments in town, Joe Biden took that long train ride home every night to be with, raise, and comfort his remaining children. Two little boys. Both serve in the military today. . A respect for country that can only be instilled by good parenting and personal example.

He asked his current wife to marry 5 times before she said yes. \Now that’s perseverance.

That’s who I want on my side.

He is the true Joe the plumber.

Thank you Vice President Joe “the plumber” Biden!


Stacy Lihn: A powerful moment. I can relate. Can you?

I was moved by the story of Stacy Lihn. Her daughter has a congenital heart disease and Healthcare reform saved the child’s life. She is deeply worried about Romney repealing the Health care act.

Me too.

My granddaughter, Alyssa, had a brain aneurism that ruptured at 3 months old. My 26-year-old daughter, myself, and other members of the family spent the next 11 months fighting to save her life as any family would do.

 My daughter became bankrupt at 26. She owed over $426k in medical bills. She spent her time at the hospital where she belonged not at work. 

When I should have been looking towards retirement I was eventually bankrupted also. I lost my house. I didn’t even care. I had spent my life savings getting her, my daughter and myself to Boston Children’s Hospital for the care she needed. Insurance doesn’t pay for the family, travel, food, lodging. I spent a large portion of my savings paying hundreds in copays every week to the multiple doctors she had to see each and every week.

It goes on and on. I could tear your heart out with the details of our case and the children I saw in hospitals with no parents by their side because they were forced to work to keep insurance.

Did I mention my daughter actually had insurance?


#Forward not back!

Jesus Hates Obama

Watching a reel of the Republican convention I saw something that made me sick to my stomach.

A sign.

A sign that said “Jesus Hate Obama”.

It also makes me very angry.

That sign goes against everything that Jesus stood for!

These people call themselves christians?

Let me say this. That sign may very well prove there is no Jesus.

If there was the person holding that sign would have been struck dead by lighting!

To the people bearing such signs and others stating such things as “Buck Obama”.

Pray. Pray very hard that there is no such thing as hell.

If there is you are most certainly going there!