Republicans scream Supreme Court!

Whenever the topic of gun control is broached republicans are always the first to scream Supreme Court!

The supreme court interpreted that ” a well-regulated militia” somehow means an individual living in suburbia.

When every other argument is exhausted republicans will always default to this stance. Supreme Court!

What they don’t understand is that they have already lost the fight to regulate weapons.

The supreme court has already issued a statement on controls therefore they have already lost the gun control argument in court.

Here is that statement.

Nov. 20, 2007

In the majority opinion authored by Justice Antonin Scalia

The Court stated that the right to keep and bear arms is subject to regulation, such as concealed weapons prohibitions, limits on the rights of felons and the mentally ill, laws forbidding the carrying of weapons in certain locations, laws imposing conditions on commercial sales, and prohibitions on the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. It stated that this was not an exhaustive list of the regulatory measures that would be presumptively permissible under the Second Amendment.

The first line says it all.

Such as gives them full leeway to regulate. They were not specific. They gave only examples. They did not say ONLY these regulations are allowed. They said “such as” and intentionally stated that this was not an exhaustive list.

They have already approved gun regulation.

My questions?

Do our representatives ever actually read the laws already on the books?

Why don’t our representatives understand that the supreme court will not only be forced to uphold regulations but they most likely would refuse to even hear a case against regulation because they have already approved regulations!

A first year law student could see this so why don’t our representatives?

Sorry gun nuts. You’ve already lost the argument.

Now we just have to get our legislators to grow a couple of ovaries.

I am a southerner

I was born in Tennessee. I have lived here all my life. I traced my family back four generations in Tennessee. I got bored with so that’s as far back as I went. Sorry.

I am female. I have been baptised which makes me a christian according to church doctrine. Some people may disagree strongly.

I do not believe in the virgin birth. I do not believe Jesus was raised from the dead. I do believe he existed. I believe his poor mother watched him die.

I, in turn, disagree strongly with a lot of the people calling themselves christian and republicans in the same sentence.